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Author Guidelines


Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.

Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.


Manuscripts submitted for publication in Fundus must be sent through the journal's OJS application. Submissions sent by e-mail to the journal's contacts will not be accepted. To submit a proposal for publication it is necessary to register and log in to the journal's website.


When submitting a manuscript for publication, the details of all authors must be entered on the journal website: full name and surname without particles or abbreviations, current institutional affiliation, ORCID identifier and email address. If an author does not have an institutional affiliation, he/she must register as an "Independent Researcher".

The author who submitted the manuscript will be considered by the editorial board as the corresponding author during the editorial process. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that all other authors have approved the latest version of the manuscript submitted for review.


The authors will inform about the criteria chosen in the order of signature and the specific contribution of the persons signing the paper at the time of submission and in the same application.


In the same application (not when sending via a file), the data referring to the title must be filled in. The title must be concise and must be adjusted to the contents of the manuscript submitted. It is recommended not to include acronyms or abbreviations in the title.


An abstract of between 100 and 150 words and 4-5 keywords must also be provided in the application and not in a separate file. The contents of the abstract should be placed in a single paragraph. This abstract should be a concise but comprehensive presentation of the article as a whole, not just one of its parts.

The language of the abstract and keywords should be the same as the language of the submitted paper and its English translation. In the case of English, the second language will be chosen by the authors.


The text of the manuscript will be attached to the application in a Word format file and its maximum length will be 75,000 characters, including spaces.

The content of the articles must state the objectives and the methodology used to achieve them. A description of the results obtained shall also be provided. Finally, the contents of the article will end with conclusions.

The bibliography, cited according to the journal's regulations, must be included at the end of Word.


Acronyms should be defined when they are used for the first time in the abstract, text or figures. The acronym or abbreviation should be added in parentheses after its full citation.


Units of the International System should be used.


Figures, with no pre-established limit, accompanying the text will have a unique numbering regardless of whether they are photographs, graphs or tables. Although there is no maximum limit of figures, the total amount of material submitted cannot exceed 100 MB.

JPG, PNG or TIFF formats are accepted for images, Word for tables and Excel for graphs. Images should be submitted with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

References to figures should be included in the text in parentheses and in abbreviated form. Example: (Fig. 1)


All images, tables, graphs, etc. accompanying the text must have a figure caption. The maximum length of the caption is 50 words. This caption will always begin with the word Figure and then the corresponding number followed by a full stop. The text is always followed by a full stop. All images must have a reference to their authorship. If the image has been taken from another publication, the figure caption should include the bibliographical reference following the style of citations in the text. The source file may also be indicated. In this case, always at the end of the authorship. Examples:

Figure 1. Plan of the Roman villa of Pompey or Can Ring (Besalú). Author: Joan Frigola.

Figure 2. Plan of the Roman villa of Collet (Camós). Author: (Bouzas, 2022, p 24).

The figure captions will be sent in the same file as the manuscript.


Footnotes are accepted as a complement to what is explained in the text. Footnotes should not be used to list bibliographical citations.


Endnotes are not acceptable.


The journal Fundus. International Journal on Rural World in the Roman Period uses the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA). These can be consulted at:

Some examples are given below to facilitate their use:

1.In-text citation:

1.1.If within the quoted text reference is made to authorship:

e.g.: following the hypothesis put forward by Castanyer (2022).

1.2.If within the quoted text there is no reference to authorship:

One author - (Castanyer 2022, p.35)

Two/two authors - (Castanyer and Tremoleda 1999, p. 211)

Three or more authors - (Burch et al., 2016, p. 59)

1.3. If the article is not yet published but is in press

(Bouzas, in press)

1.4. For other specific cases, such as websites, interviews, videos, etc., please consult:

2.Citations included in footnotes:

Footnotes included in the footnotes will use the citation type of the body of the text.

3.Reference list or bibliography:

3.1.General indications:

Only references cited in the text may be listed.

All authors up to 20 should be mentioned. When there are more than 20 authors in a publication, the first 19 authors should be cited, three dots should be added in square brackets and then the name of the last author should be cited.

In the final list, citations such as: various authors, AA.VV or et al. are not accepted.

Citations ending with a URL do not have a full stop.

References to the DOI must begin with the prefix

The DOI of your publications must always be given. Do not use a full stop after the DOI.

Online documents that do not have a DOI must include a URL.

It is recommended not to use excessive self-citation in the submitted work.

For further information, please consult:

3.2.Citation of scientific journal articles


Colominas, L., Castanyer, P., Frigola, J. y Tremoleda, J. (2021). What Happened in That Pit? Archaeozoological y GIS Approach to Study en Accumulation of Animal Carcasas en la Roman Villa de Vilauba (Catalonia). Animals, 11, 2214, 2-24.


Casas, J., Castanyer, P., Nolla, J. M., Tremoleda, J. (1993). La villa romana de la Font del Vilar (Avinyonet de Puigventós, l'Alt Empordà). Annals de l'Institut d'Estudis Empordanesos, 26, 342-372.

3.3.Citation of books


Noguera Celdrán, J. M. (ed.) (2019). Villae. Vida y producción rural en el sureste de Hispania, Murcia. Gobierno de la Región de Murcia, Consejería de Educación y Cultura.


Nolla, J. M. & Palahí, L. (2010). Felix Turissa. La vil·la romana dels Ametllers i el seu fundus (Tossa de Mar, la Selva). Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica.

3.4.Citation of book chapters


Colominas, L. (2019). Aportacions de l’arqueozoologia a l’estudi de l’alimentació i la cuina romanes. In Cooking, kitchen and food in rural areas during the Roman period (p. 29 – 44). Documenta Universitaria. Studies in the rural world in the roman period, 11.


Burch, J., Carrascal, C., Merino J. i Navarro., N. (1995). La Casa del Racó: un establiment rural d'època romana a Sant Julià de Ramis. In J. Burch, B. Agustí & J. Merino (eds.), Excavacions d'Urgència a Sant Julià de Ramis, anys 1991-1993 (p. 95-107). Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. Sèrie Monogràfica, 16.

3.5. Map citation


Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya. (2010). Olot (297 x 088) [Mapa]. 1:5.000. In Base topogràfica de Catalunya 1:5.000, full 303-088.


Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya. (2009). Mapa topogràfic de Catalunya: 1:250.000 (9a ed.) [Mapa]. 1:250.000. Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya.

3.6.Citation of doctoral theses, Master's theses or Bachelor's degree final theses

Bouzas, M. (2019). La circulació de moneda baiximperial a les ciuitates de Girona i Empúries durant el baix Imperi romà [Tesis doctoral, Universitat de Girona]. Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (TDX).

3.7. Video citation

Banyoles Televisió – Pla de l’Estany. (3 d’abril de 2023). Pere Castanyer ens parla de les últimes troballes al jaciment de Vilauba. [Vídeo].

3.8. Citation of reports and memoranda

Burch, J. & Prat, M. (2021). Memòria de les intervencions arqueològiques efectuades a la vil·la romana del Collet (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà), Universitat de Girona, Girona.

3.9. Citation of encyclopaedias and dictionaries entries

Vil·la romana del Pla de Palol (s.d.). In Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.


After the bibliography, where appropriate, acknowledgements should be made to persons, entities or institutions that have supported the research that has resulted in the manuscript submitted for publication. These acknowledgements should not exceed 200 words.


After the bibliography or acknowledgements, if applicable, the projects or sources of funding that have resulted in the manuscript should be stated. In this case, please state: funding agencies and project codes. In the case of not having received funding, the following should be stated: "This research has not received external funding sources".


The authors of the manuscripts must state whether there is any kind of conflict of interest in relation to the proposed publication that may arise from the results obtained in the research in terms of persons, entities or institutions that may have subsidised it. If there is no conflict of interest, the authors must state in a specific section "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest".


The authors of the article will inform, where appropriate, in a specific section at the end of the manuscript in which repository the complementary material or data that have given rise to the article have been deposited. If possible, links to the virtual site where the data are deposited should be included.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
  • The submission is an original work, the result of one's own research, and does not infringe the copyright of others.
  • The person making the submission has the permission of the remaining authors to make the submission and to act as corresponding author throughout the editorial process.
  • For each author of the articles, their name and surname, e-mail address, country of professional activity, institutional affiliation and ORCID identifier have been registered in the journal in the corresponding section.
  • The text follows the journal's publication guidelines and the guidelines set out in the "About" section.
  • All bibliographical references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.


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