Un nou mirall de l’officina plumbaria de Quintus Licinius Tutinus procedent de la vil· la romana dels Pompeu o de Can Ring (Besalú, Girona)


  • Joan Frigola Grup de Recerca Arqueològica del Pla de l’Estany (GRAPE)
  • Joaquim Tremoleda Grup de Recerca Arqueològica del Pla de l’Estany (GRAPE)
  • Pere Castanyer Grup de Recerca Arqueològica del Pla de l’Estany (GRAPE)


In 2017, a lead mirror produced by Quintus Licinius Tutinus was found in the Roman villa of Pompeius Saturio (Besalú, Catalonia). This plombarius had his workshop in the city of Arelate (Arles, Provence), and it’s the first time that one of its frames has been documented in Hispania. In this paper we analyse the mirror and its archaeological context, probably related to a domestic cult area.


