Evolució de l’espai periurbà de la ciutat de Baetulo entre el segle II a. de la n. e. al segle VI d. de la n. e.


  • Clara Forn Museu de Badalona


ciutat, suburbi, roma, periodització, urbà


Baetulo was an ex novo roman foundation from the 2nd quarter of the 1st century and last until the 7th century AD. The town was located on a hill surrounded by two stationary streams, north from Besòs river estuary, limited by the Mediterranean Sea and the Serralada de Marina mountains. Last decades of archaeological excavations around Baetulo town had brought to light evidences from the foundational period, suburban construction and the transformations from the low empire to ancient antiquity. The aim of our studies in the periurban areas was to define and period different kinds of structures as territory organization, villae, artisanal buildings, viticulture spaces, and funerary areas. Their development and growth was connected to those from the town and let us interconnected the dependence between the rural and urban world.      



