About the collection

Objectives and themes

Studies on the Rural World in the Roman Period is a collection of monographs on archaeology. The first issue was published in 2006. With a multidisciplinary approach, it focuses on the study of the rural world in the Roman period in a very broad sense, both thematically and geographically. It publishes everything from monographic works to miscellaneous articles.

Its publishers are Grup de Recerca Arqueològica del Pla de l'Estany, Laboratori d'Arqueologia, Història Antiga i Prehistòria, Institut de Recerca Històrica de la Universitat de Girona, Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles and Documenta Universitaria with the collaboration of UMR 5140 Archéologie des  Sociétés Méditerranéennes and Université de Pau et des Pays de Adur.


Studies on the Rural World in the Roman Period in which an annual publication is planned.